Triphala is a blend of three dried fruits – Kadukkai (Terminalia chebula), Nellikkai (Phyllanthus emblica) and Tandrikkai (Terminalia bellirica). This Siddha Medicine helps to pacify three doshas and has rejuvenating effects. It helps to regulate Vatham (strenghtening the nervous system), Pitham (provides healthy metabolic process) and Kapham (improves structural integrity).
Health Benefits :
- Rich source of Antioxidants
- Cleanses the colon, relieves constipation
- Flushes out toxins from the body – Detoxification
- Lowers Pitham or excessive body heat
- Improves Eye sight. Helps to treat Computer Vision Syndrome
- Improves immunity and body functions
- Purifies blood
- Nourishes Eyes, Skin and Heart
- Helps to manage Diabetes, Hypercholestrolemia and Blood Pressure
- Helps to reduce body weight
- Anti Viral and Vitamin C rich
- Promotes wound healing
- Liver Tonic
- Helps in management of HIV, Hepatitis etc
- Anti- inflammatory
- Hair tonic
Medicines form : Choornam, Tablet
Dose : 1-3 gm with lukewarm water or honey at bed time as directed by physician.
Side effects : Nil
Though this herb is 100% safe, always consult a Siddha physician before consuming especially pregnant ladies and children. Avoid self medication through online shopping or market products. Go for genuine Thriphala prescribed by registered practitioners. Take care, Keep fit, Stay healthy and Remain happy.
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