Parkinson’s Disease – Siddha Medicine & Treatment

Parkinson’s Disease – Siddha Medicine & Treatment

One of the most common neuro-degenerative disorder which affects voluntary and involuntary movements  of body is Parkinson’s disease. The main characteristic feature of this disease include resting tremors  of head and limbs, stiffness, impaired balance. Slowly with time this disease worsens affecting  speech, gait and even simple movements of the patients. Though it is said that Parkinson Disease  occurs at late age say 60 or 80 years but early onset (Between 20 – 40 years) and juvenile . Onset (Before 21 years) also exists.


Deficiency of Dopamine, a neurotransmitter which produces smooth controlled movements is the major  cause of onset of this disease. Slowly, neuro- degeneration occurs causing secondary symptoms like  anxiety, stress, confusion, memory loss, dementia, depression, male errectile dysfunction etc.


Primary symptoms are related to movements or Voluntary- Involuntary motor functions.

Main symptoms are 

Tremors : Trembling of limbs even on rest.

Rigidity : Stiffness of limbs and trunk which increases during movements. Muscle pain may be present  due to rigidity. Cogged-wheel rigidity of upper limbs and Lead-pipe rigidity of lower limbs are  seen.

Bradykinesia : Weakness of muscles leading to reduced voluntary movements.

Short- Stepping Gait or Shuffled gait with diminished or absence of arm swing seen. Mask like face, Indistinct speech. Patient tends to fall due to postural instability. Balancing of body becomes difficult.


Early diagnosis may be difficult and sometimes misinterpreted or inaccurately diagnosed but for a  good treatment early and accurate diagnosis is very neccessary. On basis of medical history,  symptoms, family history, types of medication, history of head trauma or any toxin exposure,  neurological examination, this disease can be diagnosed. If any of the two symptoms among the triad  i.e tremor, rigidity and bradikinesia is seen, Parkinson disease is diagnosed. Usually its starts on  any one side of the body first.


No treatment or cure as per Modern Science. Therapies to increase Dopamine in brain or replace  Dopamine resembling transmitters. Leva dopa (sinemet) is most commonly used and effective therapy  for Parkinson as per modern science. Long term medication can produce side effects like painful  cramps and involuntary movements. Other side effects include fluid retention in body tissues,  drowsiness, constipation, dizziness, hallucination, nausea etc.

Siddha Concept & Treatment 

According to Siddha this disease is classified under Vatha ailment.  It may be compared to ‘Sira-kamba Vatham’ or ‘Naddukku Vatham’ as per Siddha. The term ‘Sira-kamba  vatham’ is used as degeneration of nerves in brain is caused due to derranged Vatha humour affecting  Motor movements and muscle control. The term ‘Nadukku vatham’ is used for this disease due to its  charecteristic feature or symptom ‘tremor’ which is seen even during rest. Siddha treatment has very effective response towards this disease. The symptoms gets well controlled  and slowly with prolonged course of medication it is found that patients can even survive on minimum  dose of allopathy drugs without any side effects.

Basic line of treatment involves 3 steps 

First and foremost step is to normalise the derranged vatha humour, there by correcting the 3  doshas. First and foremost way to normalise the vatha humour is to induce purgation. Drug of choice  is done according to patient’s age, physical condition, disease etc. Then digestion has to be  corrected.

Second Step is administration of Internal medicine 

Poonaikkali or Macuna pruriens

 An internal medicine for parkinson disease is prepared from  processed seeds of this plant as it contains natural dopamine, known as Poonaikkali Choornam.  Dose: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon with hot milk twice daily.

Amukkura Choornam –  Siddha medicine given as Nervine tonic and general body nourisher.

Poorna chandrodayam, Rasa gendhi mezhugu, Karisalai karpam, Thanka Parpam, Armugha chendooram, Ksheerabala thaila Capsules etc  are other important medicines given for this.

Third step or External Treatment or Thokkanam :

Regular Varma massage of Head and body with oil like Ulunthu Thailam, Ksheerabala Oil etc along with  steam bath allows the toxins to flush out of body and improve motor movements, reduce tremors and  improve balancing the body.


  • Avoid cold exposure
  • Avoid constipation
  • Take healthy & balanced diet containing fibre, fruits & vegetables
  • Drink plenty of adequate fruits and juices
  • According to latest studies taking Green Tea helps to regain good brain function in Parkinson’s
  • Walking, Exercise, Pranayama & Yoga adviced.

With proper treatment, most individual can lead long productive lives for many years.

Note : Siddha Treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis,  and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for  information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self  medication.

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  • K Jayaraman

    very good treatment I will confirm later Thanks