Iraippu Irumal in Siddha can be compared to Bronchial Asthma as per modern concept. According to Siddha or Siddham, this disease is characterized by tightness of chest, difficulty in breathing in which the breathing sounds resemble to the sounds of musical instruments like yaazh or veena. Hence, this sound may be compared to wheeze as per modern science. The causative factors of this disease according to siddham include dietery factors (intake of cold food items ) or any activites which may cause derangement of iya humour or kapham. Iya humour or kapham is the basic reason to cause it. Also associaton of kapham with vatham may be a lead to the severity of this disease. It is also seen that people having this disease are usually allergic to any particular substance for e.g house mites, dust, pollen grain, smoke so exposure to any of these substance may lead to hyper responsiveness of the airway leading to its constriction and producing symptoms like chest tightness, dyspnoea and wheeze .
Usually this disease starts either at late night or early morning when kapha humour in the body is in increased level or when the patient is exposed to allergic substances. Symptoms like sneezing, rhinitis , cough develops first .Then anxiety occurs with restlessness when dyspnoea begins. Later on, wheeze develops (Here expiration is prolonged than inspiration). On auscultatation , wheeze sounds are easily detected; sometimes in severe condition wheeze is audible even without a stethoscope. Traditional Siddha practitioners compared hence compared wheeze with the sound of veena or yaazh by keeping their head close to chest of the patient. This is because the distress of breathing is so severe and forceful that it may be heard outside. People affected with this disease are a bit anxious and have a typical sitting position leaning forwards. Sometimes coughing out a bit sputum gives them a temporary relief.
Therapeutic Significance of Siddha in treatment of Iraippu Irumal
Siddha therapy of Eraippu Irumal lays down two properties- No side effects and increased efficacy or potency of the medicine. On performing a authentic study or screening , brought the photochemical and anti microbial action of a group of drugs which can be used for its standardization in near future in the treatment of this disease.These Siddha drugs are scientifically accepted and hence should implemented in clinical practice.
The drugs which were used for this test and proved their excellence in therapeutic field in treatment of Iraippu Irumal are :
- Pavizha Parpam
- Muthu chippi Parpam
- Kasturi Karuppu
- Thalaga Karuppu
- Vasanthakusumakaram mathirai
- Swasa kudori pills
Every siddha drug is administered on a unique line of treatment . This is done to pacify the deranged humour.
Initially a purgative , emetic , or a combination of both may be used to normalize the deranged kapham and vatham.
The significance of giving such a therapy before administering the main drug is to remove excess of phlegm from the respiratory tract.
Usually in clinical practice, leaf juice of Adathoda vasica (Adathodai), Oscimum sanctum( Thulasi) or Daemia extensa ( Uthamani) may be given in more than required quantity so as to induce vomiting and remove mucus in excess quantity.
Other medicines
Adathodai kudineer
Thaleesapathradi choornam
Poorna chandrodayam
Thalaga parpam
Drugs like Athimathuram, Arathai, Kandankathiri, Manathakkali, Koshtam, Ilavangam, Thippili, Milagu, Chukku, etc can be used.
Not only medicines,
Kaya kalpa treatment stresses the importance of breathing exercises or pranayama in treatment of this disease. This type of exercise helps in regulating the saram or vasi or breath and therefore enabling one to reduce the stress and provide a healthy atmosphere for mind, body and soul.
Treatment through Modern aspect and its limitations
Allopathic science says that Bronchial asthma can be controlled in different ways according to acute and chronic onset.
Usually Acute onset may be controlled by inhalation of Beta-ntagonist, bronchodilators or its inhalation, steroids, administration of oral steroids or combination of any two.
It is seen that major side effects of the drugs like Beta-antagonist are tachycardia and tremors etc which can be well noticed in a person who are using such drugs for a long time. The drugs like Theophylline are used widely in the treatment of Asthma can produce side effects like GIT upsets, nervousness, headache, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias. Also people with liver disorders should not be given such treatment. A steroid are today used widely in quick relief especially in patient who are not responsive to above said theophyllines or Beta Adrenergic agents but produces a very bad side effects on heart and kidney. Thus a clear cut cure is not seen in any of these techniques. The patient only gets temporary relief with reoccurrence of this disease with more severity. Then slowly tolerance to the previous dose occurs. Finally irresponsiveness to the medicines occurs and patient may have to be admitted in ICU. Death may commonly occur as a result of failure by patient or doctor to appreciate the severity of condition or when the treatment measures are taken if it is too late.
Hence it is not only well understood that Siddha drugs are safe without any side effects but its use may also helpful in controlling the severity of the disease.
Today we have found out only a limited number of medicines through the studies and research in field of siddha. But there still many drugs which are a part of this system either been kept hidden by the traditional group of practitioners who are still practicing without much exposure or which had been treasured since decades in hidden manuscripts and yet to be found out.
However, Siddhars in their writings have well expressed that medicines together with pranayama and meditation can provide a very effective cure to this ailment.