Siddha Concept on Clothing

Siddha is not only a medical system but a way of life. Every aspect of a healthy living like food, sanitation, beverage, season, physical exercises, bath, sleep, hygiene, food and clothing are well explained in Siddha. In Siddha, clothing and ornaments are well explained and the use of various fabrics in clothing like cotton, wool, silk, etc. Importance of different clothing, colours, dress codes, etc are mentioned in Siddha literatures. Cotton clothes are highly recommended as it helps to manage Vatha ailments and Pitha problems like increased perspiration, excessive body heat, anger and psychological problems. It is said in literatures that wearing white cotton clothes provides long life, beauty, happiness, and strength.

According to Siddha, a Siddha physician should wear clean white dhoti and loose clothing on the upper part of the body. White cotton dresses are generally preferred. Taking into medical aspect, this type of clothing is excellent to move around without any hassle. As Siddha patients are dealt with various external therapies, it is easy for the physician in this clothing to practice and perform therapeutic techniques like Varmam and Thokkanam. At present the concept of Siddha medicine has changed. Doctors are dressed up in formals, pen down the prescribed medicines only. Medicines and therapies are done by therapists and assistants. In Agasthiyar Guru Siddha Hospital, We, the doctors perform the treatment, do all the medical related works like mixing the doses of medicines and dispensing the medicines. So we have to keep ourselves active and comfortable whole day.

While researching on different clothing as per Siddha literature, we started using traditional Khadi white dhoti and Khadi dress for couple of weeks in the clinic. We came to this conclusion that Cotton Khadi dresses, dhoties and kurtas are extremely helpful and most comfortable to carry on with daily schedules. The whole day comprising external therapies and OP consultations became easy with no more sweats. In the treatment room restriction of fans and cooling machines, also working near the flames causes increased body heat, perspiration and fatigue. Cotton Khadis are excellent to protect body from heat, it absorbs sweat, cools the body, skin friendly too.

We were little apprehensive thinking that how the society will react to this traditional outfit in the present generation where modernisation has made its impact in all areas. But our confidence is not reduced as comfort is giving us the maximum outcome in practice. We request the readers of this post whether any profession, try to blend cotton Khadi clothes in your wardrobe. You will surely find the difference in comfort. There is a wave of Khadi all over the country. Currently Central Government aims in popularising Khadi across the country. The railways are recently introduced Khadi Uniforms for the employees. Also up going promotions dominate school, Government hospitals, Airlines and even Police forces. Our research on this topic has lead to our personal experiences which we have shared in this post.

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