ICGEB Delhi, research findings on Siddha Medicine

ICGEB Delhi, research findings on Siddha Medicine

A team of researchers from the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Delhi found that nilavembu kudineer formulation served effective against both chikungunya and dengue virus. Researchers proved the effectiveness for a Siddha medicine, nilavembu kudineer, providing relief against chikungunya virus and dengue infection. The drug was tested for against Dengue subtype-2 virus, which is the most prevalent subtype in India.

The findings were published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine in January 2019 issue. The team found that the concoction of nilavembu kudineer served antiviral in the case of dengue while immuno-modulatory in chikungunya infection. Sujatha Sunil, lead researcher of the study, said: “The reason why we say the formulation is immuno-modulatory is because of the way nilavembu kudineer acts upon viral infections in different types of cells. However, the mode of action of the formulation on immuno-modulation is yet to be understood.” The researchers demonstrated the formulation activity on monocytes and macrophages in the case of dengue and epithelial kidney cells for chikungunya virus. Jaspreet Jain from the Vector Borne Diseases Group at ICGEB and first author of the paper, said: “The monocytes and macrophages are the primary sites of infection in the case of dengue. And kidney is the secondary site of infection by chikungunya virus.”

Moreover, the team found that nilavembu kudineer concoction was non-toxic starting from 3% (about 1.8 milligram per milliliter) of human dose. However, the active ingredient of nilavembu kudineer, andrographis, is extremely toxic when used without any supplements. The positive results from in vitro studies have led the researchers to study the safety and mode of action of the formulation using mice models in the near future.

Source : The Hindu