Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin becomes inflamed or irritated with associated symptoms like oozing, crusting, scaling along with itching. The most common type of eczema is known as atopic dermatitis. Other eczema types are Contact dematitis, Allergic dermatitis, Infantile dermatitis, Photodermatitis, Vericose or Static eczema, Seborrhoeic dermatitis etc.
In Siddha, karappan noi can be related to Eczema. Though there are seven types of Karappan in Siddha according to Yugi muni’s classification but mainly we see two types of it clinically catatorised as dry type and wet type. In dry type, itching is seen followed by scaling, hyperpigmentation, hyper keratinisation. In wet type itching followed with vesicles , oozing , then hyperpigmentation and only in later stage hyperkeratanisation. Karappan starts local itching.
Common Causes : Some of the common causes of Karappan are Skin Irritants(Both physical and Chemical),Occupational hazards, Cosmetics, Effects of medication, Any external infection, Long Mental and Emotional Stress, Improper digestion due to dietery changes or eating habits, Nutritional deficiency, Drug allergy etc,
Treatment : In Siddha treatment is based on Internal and External treatment which differs froom person to person according to age, body condition, cause and symptoms. However there is a common diet restriction pattern suggested. This is called Pathiyam.
There is a list of Karappan pandangal (Foods to be avoided in Karappan) listed below :
- Meat
- Kambu (Pearl Millet)
- Thinai (Foxtail millet )
- Varagu (Kodo millet)
- Saamai (Little millet)
- Junk food
- Tubers
- Fish
- Eggs
- Dry Fish
- Bittergaurd
- Brinjal
In Siddha these foods are said to aggrevate all skin disease and should be avoided as regimen. It is also said in literature’s that frequent sexual activities should be avoided during the treatment course and is included in pathiyam. Siddha Medicines have a very good prognosis in Skin ailments. Always consult an experienced and qualified Siddha physician for complete cure.