Apigenin etc Tulsi is helpful in dealing with Kapham and Vatham problems. Medicinal uses of Tulasi is discussed below :
- Water boiled with Tulsi leaves is best to relieve sore throat.
- Tulsi leaf juice, about 1 teaspoon is mixed with half teaspoon of ginger juice and honey and given for cough.
- Regular consumption of 2-5 Tulsi leaves daily reduces cholesterol and helps in managing Cardiac diseases.
- Chewing leaves heals the ulcers and infections of oral cavity.
- Tulsi tea is excellent for enhancing immunity and managing respiratory disorders.
- Rich in antioxidants, Tulsi fights Cancer.
- Regular intake of 2-3 leaves daily after meals helps to get rid of gas trouble, aids digestion and prevent intestinal ulcers.
- Regular intake of 2-5 gm of dried powder daily helps in managing Diabetes in a better way.
- Leaf paste may be given iternally and applied externally in case of insect bites.
- Water boiled with Tulsi leaves if regularly consumed relieves stress.
As a traditional medicine Tulsi is been used since ages for treating various diseases. A real gift of nature truly “Queen of herbs” it is.