National Conference on Siddha Varma Therapy
National Conference at Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari

Vivekandanda Kendra – Nardep Trust (VK-NARDEP is an integral project of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari. It was started in 1986 inspired by Indic vision of the seers : Isavasyam idam Sarvam – All Existence is permeated by Divine & Swami Vivekananda’s clarion call to uplift the downtrodden masses. VK-NARDEP combines traditional wisdom and modern science and provides cost-effective alternative holistic solutions to the problems of modern living – especially for the rural communities) is organising a National Conference on Role of Siddha Varma Therapy on Pediatric & Geriatric Care at Vivekananda Kendra, Eknathji A/C Hall, Gramodaya Park, Kanyakumari on 14 th and 15 th November 2017.
Varma Asans from various parts of Tamil Nadu will be sharing there views regarding the topic. Interested people can register their participation before 8 AM in front the venue. Workshop fees for 2 days will be 1000/- Rs (including lunch and workshop material).
Registration for Workshop Contact : (4652) – 246 296
Accommodation : (04652) – 246 250
For any queries contact Conference Co-ordinator : Dr V Ganapathy ( +91 9443133080 )
Source : VK-NARDEP