Siddha approach on Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19
Prevention of Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19 : Boost your Immunity through Siddha

The newly identified Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19 caused a recent outbreak of respiratory illness that started in china first and now spreading globally in a very fast rate and this is main the reason for concern and panic across the world. This is not the first time an epidemic has hit and spread. But according to the scientists, the Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19 is a lot different from the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) that emerged and spread to 26 countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia in 2002 and the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) which emerged in 2012. The new Corona Virus appears to be less deadly than the above SARS and MERS infection which gives a little assurance of course but what has shocked the scientists world wide is its fast spreading rate and experts are not able to judge how it will effect the population further.
Here is when Preventive measures are needed to be followed and ensured by one and all
In Siddha Vaidyam, its mentioned that during the onset of Uttrayanakalam from the months of Thai to Aadi i.e from February to July, the immunity of human body tends to fluctuate. Our Siddhars have explained the importance of Diet, Lifestyle, Regimen and also preventive measures taken to prevent epidemics and its spread.
The four steps of Prevention that is mentioned in our ancient texts which can be related much to the preventive measures taken presently. By this we can understand that people living in ancient times were also affected by epidemics and followed the guidelines effectively prescribed to them. Lets check them how the four preventive steps is mentioned in Siddha literature.
- Notification : Earlier when an epidemic outbreak occurred in a particular house, a bundle of stem of Neem and Tulsi was placed over the main entrance of that house. This was the way how people would get notified about an illness and the same would be shared to the concerned authorities. Even writing letters were prohibited during an epidemic outbreak. Similarly today, if a person has illness he or she is directed to notify to the concerned area health authority. This first step is mandatory else it may lead to further spread of the disease which we can see is happening today,
- 2. Isolation : Even in ancient days, the concept of isolation during an epidemic was very important step to control the transmission of disease further. The patient was isolated in home or a different room provided with only one helper in case of emergency. The current isolation guidelines are also similar. People who have been in contact with virus are isolated in special rooms in hospitals. Secondary exposure and tertiary exposure are managed with house isolation.
- Quarantine : If a disease spreads in a village in order to prevent the spread of disease to neighboring places, the residents of the affected village were not allowed to leave the village for any reason. Also the entry of people from outside was restricted. To ensure this even festivals were conducted in the village and during those 15 to 20 days everyone followed the Quarantine strictly. Today also health authorities are stressing on the Quarantine period and despite of so much awareness, the immigration and emigration of people has lead to this rapid spread of this virus.
- Disinfection : Our ancestors used natural disinfectants like neem leaves fumigation and sprinkled turmeric water around the house and premises which are proved as effective against germs.
The Government today has directed guidelines to prevent the spread of novel Corona Virus or Covid 19
- Wash the hands frequently throughout the day with soap and water at least for 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching hands over face especially when outside.
- If travelling or at work use 70% alcohol containing hand sanitizer to clean hands at intervals.
- During coughing or sneezing cover the nose and mouth with a clean kerchief or tissue. Also dispose the used tissues properly after use.
- Do not spit in open
- Avoid non veg foods
- Ensure personal hygiene as well as keep the house and premises clean.
- Keep distance from people who have symptoms of cough, cold, fever.
- Keep away from crowd and public gatherings
- People arriving from foreign countries should follow isolation guidelines even if no symptoms seen.
- If someone contracts the symptoms, contact nearest health facility immediately.
- Avoid fake news circulating in social media. Follow WHO guidelines if needed.
Dietary Advice :
Include pepper, turmeric, garlic, ginger, citrus fruits and green vegetables in diet. These foods will help to fight infections better and provide immunity. Avoid foods that are hard to digest like sweets, fried and non veg foods, foods from restaurants, junk food.
A little amount of tulsi or basil leaves can be taken. Tulsi is an excellent anti microbial herb. Also known for expectoration and Anti Tussive action.
Siddha Medicines like Adathodai kudineer, Nilavembu Kudineer, medicines including Athimathuram or liquorice, Seenthil or giloy and Aswagandha or Indian ginseng are excellent herbs to improve immunity.
According to English Medicine, there is no treatment for Corona Virus and allopathic doctors also claim that the herbal remedies suggested by various Indian Medical practitioners are not clinically proven or does not have any Clinical Evidence. But there is no harm in taking these herbs as preventive medicine because they are known for ages as excellent Immune Modulator and used extensively for various Immuno suppressive ailments.
PS: Always consult a Siddha and Ayurveda doctor to know about right way to use these herbs and to know about dose and duration of usage as a preventive medicine.
Our advice to all our readers is to stay calm. Don’t panic ! Stay alert and positive.