Carrot juice more Healthy than eating raw carrot

“Enjoy a Glass of Carrot Juice full of Beauty & Health”

If carrot is eaten raw, one gets only 1% of available Beta Carotene but a glass of carrot juice helps the body absorb 100% of available Beta Carotene. This is because juicing a carrot removes indigestible fibre so nutrients available to the body is in much larger quantity than if eaten as whole. A glass of carrot juice has miraculous health benefits. Some of them are listed below.

  1. Excellent for Eyes as it contains large quantity of Vitamin A and Beta Carotene.
  2. Carrot juice prevents cancer and also beneficial for cancer patients.
  3. Beta Carotene, an Anti-oxidant slows down the ageing process, hence healthy for skin, hair and eyes.
  4. It increases Immunity by as much as 70% so good for kids as well as aged.
  5. A glass of Carrot juice daily protects the skin from Sun damage.
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