Know the wonder health benefits of Aswgandha
Indian Ginseng or Aswagandha is a very popular drug

Indian Ginseng or Aswagandha is a very popular drug globally because of its amazing health benefits. This is a powerful Siddha herb and roots are used as medicine since ancient times for its restorative and rejuvenating benefits. There are numerous medicinal values of Aswagandha which has led it’s usage world wide and increased it’s popularity over time due to its magical effects.
Some of the benefits are pinned here
- Stress Buster
Aswagandha is an adaptogenic drug . Regular use of Aswagandha proves to beat external stress like pollution and internal stress like anxiety and insomnia.
- Brain tonic
This drug possesses neuroprotective qualities that helps to improve memory and brain functions. It also prevents nerve degeneration and has antioxidant property. Regular intake improve brain function and also enhances reflexes and response to things.
- Preventive drug for Diabetes
It was revealed in a research report published in the International Journal of Molecular Science that flavonoids found in the roots and leaves of this Indian herb is used to curb Diabetes. The experiments were carried in Diabetic rats and concluded that Aswagandha possesses Anti diabetic and Anti lipedemic properties leading to substantial reduction in blood sugar levels in Diabetic rats. The study was carried out in 2009.
- Can nail down Thyroid , Cancer and Immunity issues
In case of Hypothyroidism it is said to increase the secretion of thyroid hormones. Aswagandha has antioxidant properties, it is a well known drug against cancer in Indian systems of medicine. It is also used in treatment oof Immunosuppressive conditions.
- Ancient cure for infertility
Aswagandha helps to boost fertility and promote reproductive health in both males and females. Various study results show the role of Aswagandha roots in treatment sexual problems in males like lack of libido, low sperm count, sperm motility, errectile dysfunction etc. In females also it positively responds to sexual problems including fertility.
Medical Caution
Ashwagandha has become of interest to a number of researchers, particularly as it grows in popularity. But it the same time we also advise to use it only after consultation with a Siddha or Ayurveda medical practitioner.