It is one of the psychiatric aspect, which is very important because it is common today and should be clearly understood by the doctor and the relatives of the patient. This is because the symptoms shown by the patient may create an atmosphere of tension around and the physician may misinterpret these symptoms.
This is a disease is characterized by clear-cut physical and mental signs and symptoms without any pathological change in the body. The patient shows these signs and symptoms so as to attract the attention of family and relatives so as to gain their sympathy or get rid of tension or pressure which he or she is facing in workplace or at home.
The name suggested to this ailment was “Soothiga vatham“. “Soothigam” means “uterus” and “Vatham” means “any change”. Hence, it was predicted by our ancestors in earlier days that it was a disease caused due to changes occuring in uterus so limited to females only. But, later on it was proved that it may be found in both sexes equally. This mostly occurs in middle age group. The patient is either emotionally immature or self traumatizing. They may produce symptoms in an exaggerated manner so as to get the sympathy and attention of others. It may be also seen that such people may have an unhealthy atmosphere around or are neglected at home or workplace.
Signs and Symptoms
The patients may produce symptoms which may mimic any diseased condition. It may appear as an epileptic attack. But here, the patient may show the symptoms only when there is a large crowd around the site. Such type of epileptic attack may last for hours unlike the normal attack which appears for minutes only.They may traumatize their body and produce injuries so as to attract public attention. The patient may also show coma producing forceful closure of their eyes or blephrospasm.
Some times symptoms of hemiplegia or paraplegia is shown by the patient and coma occur all of a sudden. The patient may show amnesia or suddenly forget even his or her name or the place where he or she is staying. There may be symptoms of tachycardia or chest pain along with tremors and nausea. Physical examinations like auscultation, naadi or pulse reading or an ECG can easily help the physician to come to a conclusion that it the patient is hysteric. The patient may sometimes traumatize their body with a sharp or blunt object which mimics any skin infections or may show dyspnoea or giddiness. Such symptoms can be easily understood as a false one by repeated conversation with the patient and the relatives and recording the family history and past history.
A well experienced physician can easily understand that it is a case of hysteria. Such patients may come repeatedly to the doctor with a complaint that they have no relief even after taking medicines. They may also show exaggerated symptoms before the doctor and dissatisfaction towards the treatment.
Siddha management
- The holistic approach of siddha medicine can enable a physician to understand the real fact.
- The medicines like Vallarai nei, Brahmi nei, amukkara or abini containing medicine can help. These acts as brain tonics.
- Next the physician should provide a healthy support and counseling to know the root cause of the problem and have a open talk with the patient alone so as pacify their violent mind.
- The relatives or informer of the patient should also be counseled to keep patience and advised to always look after the patient with care.
- The patient should be attracted towards meditation or pranayama so as to give a soulful treatment.
- If the physician becomes successfull in motivating the patients and removing the root cause of disturbing factor of their mind then 90% of illness or problem gets cured. The family members should obey the instructions of the doctor and provide the same to the patient.
The medicines for the body along with counseling and prayers for mind and soul respectively together with guidance of physician and support of family can cure the problem else it may turn into a social issue or lead to higher mental illness.