Asparagus racemosus – Nature’s best gift for women
Medicinal Uses of Sathavari

Botanical Name : Asparagus racemosus
Known as Shathavari, Tannervittan, Indian asparagus etc, this an amazing herb especially to Ladies in all phases of life. Morphologically, it is a climber with woody stems and leaves resembling pine needles. A highly valued plant in Siddha, roots are used for medicinal purposes. Shathavari plant has cluster of numerous lengthy roots with tapering ends. Roots are cleaned, dried, powdered and used for medicinal use. More than 50 organic compounds responsible for extraordinary medicinal benefits are known, some of them are saponins, glycosides, alkaloids, polysaccharides, mucilages, racemosol, iso-flavones etc. Nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese, Zinc, Phosphorus, Folic acid, Iron etc are present in Sathavari.
Medicinal Uses of Sathavari :
1. Sathavari refers to ‘rejuvenation effect’ of female reproductive organs’. It is a potent medicine to strengthen female reproductive system of a woman. Root juice with milk or crushed roots boiled in milk can be given, it helps to tackle the following problems condition in females:
- Infertility
- Irregularites in ovulation
- Post Menopausal symptoms like excessive bleeding, cramps, bloating
- Reduced milk secretion during lactation. This medicine is safe to consume just after delivery. It helps to increase quantity and quality of breast milk.
- Amenorrhoea (Absence of Menstruation)
- Dysmenorrhoea (Painful Menstruation)
- Leucorrhoea or White discharge
- Decreased Libido
- Morning sickness
- Irregular menses and unbalanced hormone level
2. In males, this herb treats sexual debility, impotency, low sperm count , spermatorrhoea, inflammation of sexual organs etc.
3. Antidepressant : This herb totally nourishes the mind and body.
According to research study published in “Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behaviour Journal” in 2009, Sathavari in 7 days course increased anti- depressant activities in mice.
4. Enhances Immune system : A study published in journal of Ethnopharmacology, when Shathavari given to tested animals against Bordetella pertusis, the bacteria responsible to cause whooping cough, it proved to improve overall health status of these animals than the untreated ones. Intake of this root powder regularly increases WBC count also.
5. Heart Burn : 20 ml of the root juice mixed with equal amount of warm water can be given to combat heart burn, burning sensation of abdomen etc.
6. Indigestion : Tuber or roots baked in milk can be given to lower body heat, bloated abdomen, indigestion and diarrhoea.
7. Regulates Cholesterol and Improves Antioxidant status in Hypercholestroremia : Hyperlipidemia and Hypercholesteroremia are major risk factors for Cardiac ailments or Artherosclerosis. Shathavari known for ‘steroidal saponin’ , phytosterols, Ascorbic acid and flavonoids contents to eliminate increased cholesterol and improve antioxidant status in Hypercholestroremia.
8. Antimicrobial action : Found antibacterial against stains f Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella varieties.
9. Anti-cancer action (Under research)
Sathavari is one of the medicines used widely in Siddha , it gives numerous health benefits. A highly medicinal plant that is free of side effects and can be used by people of all age groups. However, before including this herb in your regimen or taking it as a supplement or a medicine consult with a Siddha doctor to get proper guidance in dose and method to take which is best for you. Stay healthy Always.