Natural Health Remedies

Valampurikkai – Herbal Remedy for Venereal Diseases

Plant name : Valampurikkai
“Otherwise known as ‘East Indian Screw tree’ and is highly medicinal”

Botanical name : Helicteres isora
Family : Sterculiaceae
Actions : Anti-diarrhoeal, Expectorant, Astringent, Anthelmintic.

Siddha Medicinal Uses :

  1. The pods are crushed well and added with gingely oil, boiled. The prepared oil is used as ear drops(2 – 3 drops) for pricking pain in ears and other ear ailments.
  2. The powder or choornam of the pod is given in the dose of 4 – 6 grams 2 times a day for venereal diseases, hiccup, fever etc.
  3. The bark and pod are crushed well, decoction is prepared and given for diarrhoea.
  4. The decoction prepared from bark and root is an effective remedy for cough and asthma.
  5. Paste of the leaves is effective for various skin ailments like scabies, eczema etc.
  6. The decoction prepared by the seeds is given for disorders of the abdomen and dysentry.

Note: Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.

Dr Amritjude

Chief Doctor and owner of “Agasthiyar Guru Siddha Marma Chikitsalayam” Siddha Hospital, Melvettoor P. O., Varkala, Kerala.

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