Health Benefits & Beauty Secrets of Honey
Nature’s energy booster & immune enhancer

Honey is one of the oldest, effective and known medicine used in Siddha. It is a powerful antioxidant with antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It contains invert sugar that has quality of providing instant energy when consumed. Nature’s energy booster and immune enhancer, honey helps to manage various health issues pertaining to respiratory system and digestive system. Also known to cure seasonal allergies and wounds. Honey is one of the main anupanam or vehicle or adjuvant with Siddha Medicine for increasing the efficacy of the drug and easy ingestion. Also used for home remedies to manage day to day health problems. If taken along with ginger and pepper helps to overcome cough and asthma. When taken with garlic helpful to control Blood Pressure. Along with hot water a spoon of honey empty stomach is good for detoxification of the body and helpful in obesity. Not only internally, honey is also used as an external medicine for hair and skin. Being a humectant, it retains essential moisture and prevents drying of skin. An anti-irritant suitable for sensitive skin. It is a natural moisturizer. It can be used as a scrub cleanser and bath to enhance beauty. Honey promotes new tissue growth, helps in exfoliation and has anti-ageing properties. Regular use of honey protect the skin UV rays.
Few beauty tips with honey is listed below :
- Cleanser : Mix 1 spoon of honey and 2 spoons of milk, apply over face and neck. Leave for 30 minutes. Wash off, pat dry.
- Scrub : To 1 table spoon of honey, mix 2 teaspoons of oats meal and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Scrub gently for 5 – 6 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
- Toner : To 4 spoons of cucumber juice add 1 spoon of honey and apply gently in upward strokes. After 30 minutes can be rinsed off.
- Moisturizer : Honey mask can be applied over the face and neck. Makes the skin soft and beautiful.
- Honey Bath : Add ¼ cup of honey to your hot bath, Excellent remedy for dry skin. Makes the skin silky and soft.
Honey is one of the oldest beauty aids, now found in variety of beauty products too. Honey does not need refrigeration or special storage as kept well at room temperature. Remember to get a genuine Honey for yourself as the ones seen in market may not be the real ones and may not be healthy for you and your body. Use honey regularly and explore the beauty secrets in it. Stay Fit & Keep Healthy