Natural Health Remedies
Analivegam – Herbal Remedy for all Venomous bites

Plant name : Analivegam or Sinnapalai
“This medicinal plant is used against all venomous bites”.
Botanical name : Alstonia venenata
Family : Apocynaceae
Actions : Antidote, Anti-syphilitic.
Siddha Medicinal Uses :
- The root of this medicinal plants are used against all venomous bites.
- The root is used in the management of skin diseases.
- The fruit of this medicinal plant is used in treatment of Psychiatric diseases and syphilis.
Note : Siddha treatment is based on complete physical examination of the patient, Naadi diagnosis, and other diagnostic criteria of the disease. The content given in this article is purely meant for information and education purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha physician before any sort of self medication.