Monsoon Regimen – Tips to Stay Healthy in Monsoon
Common ailments seen in Monsoon season

The scotching summer heat made each and every person await for monsoon to arrive. Though the temperature cooled and earth’s thirst got quenched but monsoon also brought several health problems along. With the out break of monsoon, all of a sudden the body conditions changes to get accustomed with the nature and environment. These changes makes the body weak and immunity low so chances for getting sick is much more. Dampness and high humidity may increase risk of fungal infections especially when the clothes doesn’t get usual sunlight and heat.
Common ailments seen in this season are fever, running nose, cough, body pain, diarrhoea, Dengue, Malaria, Chikunguniya, Conjunctivitis, Hepatitis, Typhoid, Food poisoning etc. Diseases like Asthma, Arthritis becomes worst and patients suffer frequent attacks with aggravated nature.
According to Siddha, Pitha agni or digestive fire gets very weak due to dehydration in summer. The onset of monsoon suddenly cools the external environment causing Pitha in body to get vitiated along with Kapha or Vatha. The 7 udal thathus and three doshas are deranged in monsoon making the immunity low. So it is a must to follow certain regimen in order to keep the body healthy and prevent diseases.
Some important tips to keep healthy in monsoon is listed below :
- Keep the body warm and dry : Avoid wet clothes to keep away fungal infections and skin diseases. Wear loose cotton clothes.
- Drink only boiled water : Avoid cool drinks, ice creams, street foods.
- Food : Eat moderately. Always eat easily digestible, steamed foods. Avoid sea foods, unfresh, refrigerated foods, deep fried, junk foods. Vegetables and fruits should be properly washed, peeled and steamed before eating. Vegetable soups, gruel, semi-solid, liquid foods are good. Use in plenty ginger, garlic, turmeric, pepper etc in daily foods. Vegetables, Cereals, Vitamin C rich foods should be included. Avoid non-vegetarian foods.
- Avoid excessive physical exertion. Go with Yoga or stretching.
- Keep your surroundings clean. Avoid mosquito bites.
- Maintain good personal hygiene. Wash hands often with antiseptic.
- Avoid day sleep. Avoid smoking.
- Take precautions to avoid drenching in rain.
- Massage with herbal oils or warm sesame oil at least twice a week is good.
- Take bath twice daily with warm or hot water.
- Herbal teas prepared with basil or ginger are good to provide immunity.
- Siddha medicines like Amukkura Choornam, Nilavembu Kudineer are good for restoring immunity and prevention of monsoon ailments.
- Detoxification methods like taking warm water with honey and lemon juice in empty stomach is helpful.
- Siddha medicines for laxation and purgation are important detoxification therapies.
- External therapies like Nasiyam, Thokkanam (Massage), Vedhu (Steam), Pugai (Fumigation) etc are administered to improve immunity, restore beauty and strength.
Healthy habits and right regimen can keep you healthy and strong. Enjoy monsoon with good health and immunity. Keep fit & Stay Healthy.